Woodward & Co. Fire Protection Ltd.

Who We Are

Woodward & Co.

We are trusted Fire Protection Specialists

Our depth of industry experience and breadth of expertise mean we are trusted by some of the biggest names and brands in the UK. We share our clients’ values and consistently deliver technical excellence and service at competitive prices.

We are Proactive Problem Solvers

When we design and plan, we think two steps ahead. Our combined experience in fire protection means we can spot a potential problem and solve it, behind the scenes, before you or your customers even know a problem exists. In high-pressure, fast-turnaround sectors such as Retail and Leisure, this can be invaluable.

We are Relationship Builders

At the heart of our business is a tight-knit team of people that recognise that relationships are key to doing good business. Relationships are built on clear, consistent communication, results, and trust. We aim to deliver on all of these. 

If you recommission us for another project – and we hope that you will – we’ll do all we can to ensure you work with the same manager, so you can hit the ground running. In our experience, increased communication and accountability always result in faster, smoother project completions.

Every recommission from one of our valued clients is proof of our strong relationships.

We never compromise.

On quality, on standards, on service, and above all on safety.